[November 27-December 18, 2023] While Shimabara Castle is Closed, the Warrior Squad will provide hospitality and the castle will be closed during this time.

From Monday, November 27 to Monday, December 18, 2023. Due to the renovation of the flooring in the Shimabara Castle keep and the installation of LED lighting in the building, the museum will be closed. Please note the following information regarding the hospitality of the military commanders when you visit Shimabara Castle, Please be advised that the following information will be available when you visit Shimabara Castle.


●About the military commandos

・The “Busyoutai” will entertain visitors at Shimabara Station, Buke Yashiki (samurai residences), and Koi no Megamachi (carp swimming town).
・Please check the morning X (formerly Twitter) for the time and location of the troop’s departure.
・There will be no performance on Saturdays and Sundays.

※Please note that the time and place of the performance may be changed depending on the situation.


●About the parking lot in Shimabara Castle
The parking lot is open free of charge during the period when the castle is closed, but construction vehicles may enter and exit the lot. Please be careful when parking.


●Items for sale at the Shimabara Castle Keep
The sale of items sold at the castle tower counter (castle stamps, warrior seals, castle stamp books, and MR Amakusa Shiro goods) will be discontinued.


●About the stamps of the 100 best castles in Japan
Stamps will be placed at the Shimabara Castle Honmaru store.



・Sales of Megurin tickets have been suspended at all sales locations.
・Rental and drop-off of Megurin bicycles at Shimabara Castle will also be suspended.


Please understand the above.