
400th Anniversary

The 42nd National Castle Town Symposium will be held in Shimabara!

Shimabara City will celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shimabara Castle next year.
The 42nd National Symposium of Castle Towns in Shimabara will be held on Saturday, August 26, the year before the 400th anniversary! Shimabara Castle and Shimabara Cultural Hall will be the main venues, At the Shimabara Cultural Hall, economist Yusuke Narita will give a lecture, and a product exhibition titled “Shimabara Castle Souvenir Street” will be held, At Shimabara Castle, there will be a “Shimabara Castle Banquet Join Fest” featuring booths selling Shimabara products and a stage event related to the Shimabara Peninsula and Nagasaki.
Around 1:15 p.m. on the day of the event, the “Shimabara Castle Shichimangoku Busyoutai” will perform a dance! There will also be a special guest performance at the end of the event! There will also be many other events for your enjoyment, For more information, please visit the official website of the National Castle Town Symposium Shimabara.

↓The 42nd National Symposium of Castle Towns in Shimabara Official Website


※Due to the event, the parking lot of Shimabara Castle will be closed on both Friday, August 25 and Saturday, August 26. Please use the grounds of Shimabara First Elementary School as a temporary parking lot.


【What is the National Castle Town Symposium?】

The National Castle Town Symposium is held once a year, hosted by the National Junior Chamber of Castle Towns Liaison Council, as “an opportunity for young people from castle towns across Japan to get together and discover the potential of their communities together with local people.