
400th Anniversary

Shimabara Castle Review Exhibition will be held

Special exhibition commemorating the 400th anniversary of Shimabara Castle “Shimabara Castle Review Exhibition” (free admission)

Shimabara Castle will celebrate its 400th anniversary in 2024. Shimabara Castle is well known to many people as it was selected as one of the “100 Best Castles in Japan” (by the Japan Castle Association). It is also a symbol of Shimabara for Shimabara citizens. Shimabara City is currently conducting various surveys with the aim of designating Shimabara Castle Ruins as a national historic site. In the course of this research, various cultural values of Shimabara Castle have been revealed.

This exhibition will focus on (1) the appeal of Shimabara Castle as a castle, (2) the Shimabara-Amakusa Revolt and Shimabara Castle, (3) disasters and Shimabara Castle, and (4) Shimabara Castle after its abandonment. We hope you will learn more about Shimabara Castle and experience its new charms as we approach the 400th anniversary of the construction of Shimabara Castle through this exhibition.

1. Event name: Shimabara Castle 400th Anniversary Special Exhibition “Shimabara Castle Review Exhibition
2. Dates: August 1, 2023 (Tuesday) – October 9, 2023 (Monday, holiday)
3. Venue: Shimabara Castle Tourism Reconstruction Memorial Hall
4. Main Exhibits
(1) Charm of Shimabara Castle as a fortress
・Illustration of Shimabara Castle” (in the collection of Honkouji Temple, Zuounsan)
・Stonewalls of Shimabara Castle (Collection of Zuikunzan Honkouji Temple)
・Memorandum of “Honmarunouchi Ishigaki Kakuresho Shujyo Ezuki” (owned by Zuikunzan Honkouji Temple), etc.
(2) Shimabara Amakusa Revolt and Shimabara Castle
・Hayashi Kozaemon Memorandum (Hizen Shimabara Shohei Bunko collection)
・Memorandum of Mokuzaemon Betsato (Hizen Shimabara Shohei Bunko collection)
・Sano Ya Soshichi Saemon Memorandum” (Hizen Shimabara Shohei Bunko collection), etc.
(3) Disasters and Shimabara Castle
・Panel of “Shimabara Daichizu” (Reproduction, Hizen Shimabara Shohei Bunko collection)
・Shimabara Daigai Chronicle” (Hizen Shimabara Shohei Bunko collection)
・Diary, 2nd year of Bunka era (Hizen Shimabara Shohei Bunko collection)
(4)Shimabara Castle after the abandonment of the castle
・Aerial photo panel taken in 1953
・Aerial photo panels of Honmaru and Ninomaru from 1962 and 1962, etc.

※ Parking fee is required for visitors coming by car. Admission fee is required to enter the castle keep.
